In the chaotic market of hair removal products, despite the disadvantages and properties of different methods and their different costs, we still come to the same traditional method, which not only does not harm the body, but also has many beneficial properties, but the difficulty of using these products has made it less and less from the basket. household to be removed.
Depilatory powders have no say in today’s life in front of competitors, despite the unpleasant smell, burning and pimples, local itching, and on the other hand, the disadvantages of other methods, such as hair growth, darkening of the skin, causing wounds and infections. Or diseases such as Pisi are not a suitable alternative at all.
So, we decided to present you with the same beneficial, organic and traditional method, but this time with a new but completely healthy and organic material and the same traditional base, hair removal powders with unique benefits under the Karabar brand.
Hair removal powders with a completely exclusive formulation and the best material are not only without irritation, boils and sensitivity, but also cause skin darkening and, unlike traditional powders, have a warm nature.
There is no need for a standard in the products of Mobar powders, but despite the high quality of our products, this mark was given to us as an incentive and they are regularly tested by the standard organization of Keraber products and a professional laboratory at the Keraber factory several times every day. It tests from raw materials to manufactured products.
Your health is important to us, and we are proud to offer you the highest quality product possible in the field of depilatory powders.
The work should be left to the operator…