Why the operator?
Hello In the chaotic market of hair removal products, despite the disadvantages and properties of different methods and their different costs, we still come to the same traditional method, which not only does not harm the body, but also has many beneficial properties, but the difficulty of using these products has made it less and […]
Effective, without burning and boils
When excess body hair is shaved and removed with a razor, it creates the possibility of causing sensitivity in the skin and there are many other disadvantages such as causing infection, darkening of the skin, etc., but burning and pimples are also characteristics of depilatory powders. There is also But the effective depilatory powders with […]
Disadvantages of Gillette
Trimming unwanted body hair has been common among the general public since ancient times. Using Gillette to shave the body is one of the old and common methods among the general public. Long-term use of this device can cause some skin problems. The purpose of writing this article is to provide explanations about the harms […]